New Gem > Drake Equation by Carlo

Je viens d'écouter ce morceaux et je pense qu'il mérite de trouver d'autres oreilles ^^
br> "Carlito, we need you! We're down to the wire on our peace-keeping project. We've got to get those last Archives or we can't finish it. Dr. Philly is here now, too...yes...he's finally found his sanity. He knows where the clubs are! They're in the mining worlds, but we can't get to them. The robots are running amok and they're destroying everything! "You've got to get there, Carlito, and get those beats! You'll have to face some pretty mean metal. Expect the worst! Is Rush there with you? Give him a bolt to chew on and tell him it's from us. What's that...we must be getting static...sounds like you said 'Woof!' "Carlito, get to those mining worlds pronto! Grab the beats and stop whoever's in charge! He's one lunatic guy! "This is Dr. Rubin. Over and out!"

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