Partage social, en un clic, mes coups de cœur au travers de mes "Soundcloud's digging trips", en partage immédiat pour nourrir vos oreilles de bons sons et vous faire découvrir de nouveaux talents à suivre.
Si vous aimez ce son, suivez l'artiste, partagez et achetez sa musique légalement pour participer au développement d'une musique libre et indépendante.
Avec SFK j'essaye de promouvoir et recommander une musique pointue et de qualité car pour moi c'est de l'underground que se nourrit le mainstream de demain so stay tuned to SFK
Fred, The Curator aka Music Hunter
Pablo Fierro is fast becoming a staple in the music boxes of many big name DJs worldwide. Fierro has quickly found himself a shelf in the industry and seems to have pricked up the ears of many trendsetters with his simplistic and beautiful sound. Included on this package is a stomping afro-club remix from the incredible sound of Carlos 'Casamena' Mena, a heady spiritual journey from South Afirca's 'Thee Gobbs' and two astral trips from head honcho 'Atjazz' and with that lot bouncing out of your speakers you’ll really notice that ‘Whistle’ really fills in the gaps where the soul gets lost. ‘Whistle’ is inspired by the "Silbo Gomero", a totally unique form of communication which is still practiced by some habitants of the beautiful island of La Gomera. The ‘whistle’ was created by the first island aboriginals and ‘Spoken’ on the islands of El Hierro, Tenerife and also Gran Canaria. In the sixteenth century, after the conquest of the Canary Islands, the last Guanches adapted the whistle into Spanish; while the original language, ‘Guanche/, was becoming extinct. A very warming story from Pablo, in honour of his birthplace "The Canaries". Please watch this informative video:
Social sharing,one clic, my favs along my "Soundcloud's digging trips", on immediate share to feed your ears of good sounds.
If you like that sound, follow the artist, share and buy his music legaly to help promote a free and independant music.
With SFK I try to promote and recommand a sharp and high quality music selection cause I trully believe that the actual underground vibes feed the maintsream of tomorrow so stay tuned to SFK
Fred, The Curator aka Music hunter